Sunday, April 16, 2017

"In Christ shall all be made alive"

This week I was reminded of a time that part of me died. 

You see, this week we went to the ER with our 3 week old baby.  He had a fever of almost 104 and no other symptoms. The doctors and nurses tested for everything.  After almost 4 days in the hospital we were sure it was a UTI and were sent home. 

As we got in the car I thought on the last time we were at this same hospital for a baby and we left empty handed and seriously broken hearted. 

About 5 1/2 years ago we had a stillborn baby girl. We had gone to this same hospital, induced labor, given birth, spent time holding her body and then handed her over to the mortician, gathered our things, then left. 

Part of me died from that experience. I struggled to know how to live. I went through the motions but I felt empty.  

One day, close to a year later I was in the Temple with my mom and I learned something. There is a scripture that says, "As in Adam, all die, even so, in Christ shall all be made alive."

What do we get from Adam? 

" Adam fell that men might be..."

We get children. 
We get life.
We get experience.
We get mortal life, experience and death.

In Christ shall all be made alive. 

Alive not just after we die physically but when we die emotionally, spirituality, socially, financially, mentally, etc. there are more ways than I could possibly mention here that we can "die".  

That day in the Temple I learned that through Christ, I could live again. Really live, like with a whole, healed heart.  Everything that is possible because Adam and Eve took the fruit, is fixed or conquered in Christ. 

 We celebrate Easter because we and all who have lived and who will yet live, will conquer the grave at the resurrection just as Christ did. We also celebrate it because of the new life that is possible for us now because of Him, because of the Atonement of Jesus Christ. 

Truly, we can live again after any sorrow, disappointment, devastating sin or hurt of any kind because of Him. This is something more than a blessing, this is a daily life changing truth. We can choose to let it only impact us in death or as we live. 

"In Christ shall all be made alive." When will this be true for you? Happy Easter.


mstans said...

Thank you. Beautiful words from your beautiful spirit.

mstans said...

Thank you. Beautiful words from your beautiful spirit.