Monday, May 16, 2016

An experiment

My Grandma looked around the table and laughed to herself. She decided to kick my uncle in the leg, then see what he would do. Sure enough, she kicked him and he assumed it was one of his brothers. She sat back and laughed as all 3 brothers became involved in a war of words above the table and a war of legs beneath. 

A good experiment has three things:
1) a question or something you'd like to find out. 
2) a plan of how to find that answer. 
3) a hypothesis or a guess of what your answer or results will be. 

Yesterday in Relief Society someone mentioned that we should "experiment on the word".
The lesson was titled "The Scriptures- the most profitable of all studies"

A good experiment could simply be:
1) (the question) why would this be the most profitable of all studies?
2) (the plan) I am going to wake up every day 15 minutes earlier than normal and study the Book of Mormon. 
3) (the possible result) Well, if I only relied on what I've heard said in general conference or even some of the main points in the lesson yesterday, I could hypothesize that: as I consistently read and ponder the scriptures, the Spirit will come into my life in greater abundance, I will come to understand the Lord, who He is and His will for me. 

I laugh every time I think about my Grandma sitting at the table watching her boys accuse each other for something she did. I'm almost positive she was crying from laughing so hard. 

Some experiments are easy. Others require more effort. 

"The single most important skill we can achieve in this life is the ability to qualify for, receive and act on personal revelation " -Julie B. Beck

A prayerful study of the scriptures is a great place to start when working toward this skill. 

I totally love the scriptures. I am often thrilled by the answers I receive. Seriously. It's awesome!

I really hope and pray that we will all plan our own experiment and watch as the blessings that we've been promised, do, as a matter of fact, come into our lives. 

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