Tuesday, February 5, 2013

to lift us higher

Sunday there was a testimony given that made me think about why we have challenges and how they often feel like set backs.  they come about by our own sinful means or just because of where we are.

we are in mortality.  i realized how much of this was exactly the Lord's plan.  i mean, didn't we leave His presence, to come here?  we've been sent here because it is for our good.

our trials are for our good as well.

i was reminded of the Joseph Smith movie where he is taking a few of the newly called Apostles on a tour of the Temple in progress.  Joseph said, "brethren, the Lord brings us low so He can lift us higher".

when  i lost Lily and for sometime thereafter, i felt embarrassed, frustrated, troubled, etc., because the experience really did set me back.  it was so hard for me that it was hard.  i knew all the answers.  why couldn't i snap out of it?

even now i still wonder sometimes why it has been so hard for me.  it is frustrating to struggle.  the thing is, that is the plan.  God gives us mountains to climb.

there are days that i just feel tired.  then i remember...or try really hard to remember, that i am going up. up is hard, but it is where i want to be.

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