Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Fortify...with intent.

i had a goal last year of finishing the Book of Mormon.  I made it to Alma...the war chapters.

i did enjoy reading and had many great insights, even though I came up short.

i've just kept reading this year and i didn't start over.  i'm so glad.  the war chapters rock.

it's been interesting to me to be at this point in the Book of Mormon and have the New Year on my mind.  goals, priorities, fresh starts.

one thing i've noticed is that the war is always there.  if they aren't fighting...they are preparing to fight, they're fixing what was broken during the last fight, or they are fighting.

sometimes the battle is waging around them but they realize their weakness in a certain area of the land and decide not to engage in battle, but to fortify.  other times, they know the battle will be soon and they do all they can to prepare.  they take it seriously.  it is war after all.

so many things about this apply so directly to our lives.  we fight battles.  we are at war.  battles range in the areas of our lives and also in intensity.

we always need to be aware of where those battles are and the damage that is being done.  when we win, when we lose and what we will do differently in the future.  the battles vary, but the war is the same.  it is between good and evil.

the difficulty is found in being aware of this constantly.  our war is different from Moroni's.  we don't fight with physical swords or build physical fortresses.  this is spiritual stuff.  we do so much of this in our minds and hearts.  yet physically, we act it out.

same thing is as true for us as it was for Moroni though.  we must fortify.  we must prepare for battle.  we must fix damages.  we must strengthen each other.

fortify has been ringing in my ears and i feel like this should be my focus this year.  i did some of this last year.  i tried to fix what had been broken.  i think in a lot of ways i did that.  now i need to do some serious building.

when i lost Lily, i fell hard.  it injured me in ways i didn't know i could be hurt.  i spent last year helping those wounds to heal.  it was time well spent.  (i know healing takes a lifetime, i just know i'm better than i was) now i need to focus on being stronger than before.
the war is still on.  i am still mortal and life is still going to happen.  i will be stronger for the next battle. i fortify, with intent.

1 comment:

Chantel said...

I always enjoy your posts. You write so well! I miss talking to you at church. Hope all is well.