Sunday, July 29, 2012

help wanted...if you want. :)

About the time i started this blog, i realized i had neglected a lot of things that were key to helping me heal.  key.
one major thing was talking to other people who have been through something similar to me.  i had a lot of friends or friends of friends contact me and i did not respond at all.  for some reason i found it awkward.  maybe i was tired of being vulnerable.  i don't know.
anyway, a good friend of mine put me in touch with her friend just last week.  she is the first person i've talked to over email that understands.  she had a baby just a week before i had Lily, last year.

she told me that the hospital gave her a little blanket that was a piece of material with an unfinished edge.  she cherishes it.  
i absolutely love this blanket that some, wonderful person made for the me to swaddle Lily in.  i didn't realize i had it so good.  -it is so beautiful and soft.
one thing that i've wanted to do for the last year is make blankets and give them to the hospital for Angle Babies.  this new friend of mine reminded me of that.
as i've thought about it, i think it will be a really hard and wonderful thing to do at the same time.  i've decided to make and take as many blankets as i can before the 15th of August to the hospital.
this way i can personally walk the same halls i walked a year ago and thank those that helped me and gave so much at the same time. (the nurses)
i already cry at the thought, but i think it will be good.

where you come in.  if you would like to make a blanket or donate yarn or material.  i would really appreciate it.  this is super short notice.
a blanket is a wonderful thing to take home from the hospital.  among many other things, it is a symbol of comfort.  
i loved this blanket when it was given to me in the hospital but it is a treasure now.
THE MEASUREMENTS FOR THIS BLANKET ARE: 15 IN. X 15 IN.  Anything close is great!

if you are interested in helping, leave a comment, email or call.  if you live somewhat close, i'll come pick your donation up.  if you don't, i'll send you my address.
after all that has been given to me or done for me, i want to start giving back.  -this is another key thing that i've been neglecting. -giving back.  its about time i think. :)
thanks.  oh and if this deadline just won't work, make them at your leisure.  this is something i will do every year as part of celebrating and remembering Lily.



Jennie said...

Lily's blanket is so pretty. I love that you are doing this. I think that Lily will love it too.

Chantel said...

I was so excited when I saw your feed on Jennie's blog. I'm so glad you got in touch with her. I would be glad to help. I have boards coming up on the 15th so I know I won't have time to make anything but I can definitely donate some yarn. Will you be in Ogden any time soon? I can leave it at my Office and you can stop and pick it up if you want or I can leave it with Jodie B. She watches Khi for me while I'm at work. Just let me know!

Katie Johnson said...

We also were given a small fleece blanket for Sam. I love to feel it but so do my girls. It truly is a treasure.

Becky said...

What a wonderful idea!! I have NO idea how to crochet or knit or anything, otherwise I would love to make a blanket. But I would love to donate whatever materials you need or help in some other way. Email me and let me know what you would like!

Sarah said...

I don't know how to make these but my mom does. I'm gonna see if she can make a couple, can she drop them off at your parents house? I sure do love you!,

Grandma Julie said...

Sarah called & I actually have some yarn. Let me know where to take them.

Grandma Julie said...

Hey Becca call me 801-678-7368. Leave me a message if I don't answer. I have already got one started. I can always drop them at your moms.

Chantel said...

Ok. I actually started a blanket last night during the Olympics so I'll just get you the blanket rather than the yarn. It's a little bigger than 15 inches because I got too involved watching the swim race and wasn't counting my loops. Dang Michael Phelps!

randishea said...

I have a blanket or two I could donate. They are the flannel kind with the fancy edge. I live close to Davis hospital if that is the hospital you are going to, if not maybe I could meet you somewhere. I'd love to see you. I'm pretty sure you have my email (