Monday, August 13, 2012

what is really hard?

this morning i woke up just before five.  i went to bed early.  i was tired because five is early but i thought, "i had enough sleep, i can get up".  i feel so much better about my days when i wake up early!

after scriptures, writing and some yoga, i thought it might be nice to go out...maybe for a run.

it has been at least a month since i went for a run.  not sure when i last went.  maybe when i took these.

because i have been kind of irregular at running i often think i should take it easy.  problem is, i love to run.  i love to do more than i tell myself i'm going to do.  you know, "just get to that mailbox or tree and then stop" and then i run further.  then i feel all proud that i did something hard.

but, i have this I.T. band (is that even how you write that?) issue.  i feel like it's going to pull my knee cap right off my knee sometimes.  so, that's why i go out and think i should take it easy.

taking it easy is hard too.

i have this pride problem.  i don't want to look like a total wimp when i'm out...and walking.  but then again when i run really hard and then i'm hunched over about ready to puke or puking...i don't want anyone to see me do that either.  i guess i should just stay home. :)...but then i don't want to see myself do that.

what is really hard?  doing something different and often times what is best for you....not what is or looks hard to everyone else.

this morning i walked the. whole. time.  that was hard but it felt good to do what was best.  i actually used some different muscles walking so speedy for that long (like a mile. :))
(joshy took this.  he's short so i thought i had to crouch. :))  today is a good day.


Chantel said...

Be careful with the IT band. I pushed mine too hard once and ended up with an avulsion fracture at the head of my fibula. Not fun!

Jennie said...

Wow, I'm so impressed you were up that early. There is NO WAY I would get up that early without a really good reason.

Glad today is a good day. I have been and will be thinking of you as Thursday approaches.